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Niche websites, or websites for specific groups, have become more and more common.  Why is this?  A few of the reasons are: more SEO from specialized products, additional brand labeling, and products up front for the consumer that is looking for those specific products.  Here are a few ideas of what kind of Niche website you can start in DistributorCentral.

  • Green Website – This is the ever popular and growing “Green” product market.  Many companies are giving away green promotional products in an effort to reach their community.  It both displays their message and gives back to the Earth.
  • Drinkware Website – Cups are a great way to keep a logo in a household or business.  They are useful and are able to be customized quite well.  If your customers are looking for Promo Cups, you can direct them to this specific site or even work on some SEO optimization to help find people looking online for promotional cups.
  • Magnets – Magnets are great because they can compliment most businesses.  You can even make a more specified niche market within magnets.  For example, you can specify school magnets and do something along the lines of “Totally Cool magnets for School.”  Magnets come in many shapes and forms.  I think my favorite was one of the periodic table that could be separated and scrambled.
  • Apparel – This one may need to have a more specific site to it, like T-Shirts or Work apparel, since it has quite a few different products for the category.  If you find yourself not hearing much on the most of your apparel in a niche site, maybe it’s worth looking at how broad you have your apparel.

For additional suggestions, look at what your customers want and start from there or do some product searches.  DistributorCentral lets you create these niche sites and company store sites for the promotional products industry.  Click Here for more information about those sites.